Computer Help!

Help me!
Alrite guys, I can fix anything with a motor, but when it comes to computers, Im screwed.

Heres the story,

I dont use my laptop for much of anything other then this and e-mail, and a couple other things here and there.

I run Mozilla Firefox, and AVG antivirus, along with Mcaffe

When im running wireless, AVG pops up saying "tracking cookie detected" threat could not be healed, and my wireless crashes, and I disable it, clear my cookies, and go back on, only for it to happen again in a few minutes, It normaly doesnt effect my lan line, I cant get rid of it, any tips? or help?


New Member
Download Adalert

Download Adalert or some other good spyware software that may be able to get rid of the thing.

If one dosn't do it, I just find one that will.

i recommend you use norton antivirus instead of mcafee it will save you alot of trouble in the future. norton is the same price but ALOT better quality.

just my 2 cents
Tried a couple Virus/spyware scanners, Turned up nothing,

computers just hate me

-Mcaffe came with the computer, So that's why its there
Most AV companies recommend not to use more then one from different companies at the same time. I'd uninstall 1 of them. I agree Norton sucks it's a resource hog, I'd look into Kaspersky if you're going to buy one. AVG is bleh in my opinion, misses a lot of things. Maybe you want to go into safe mode and delete your cookies. Truth be told as soon as you go back on the internet your probably gonna have more tracking cookies lol.