dislocated shoulder

oo that stinks i rolled my z400 and snapped the radius and i had to have surgery on the growth plate becuse it moved a centimeter and a half from were its supposed to be:thumbdown:


Supporting Speed Nut!
Dislocated my right shoulder playing football in high school a while back. I didn't even feel it, but I was wondering what was wrong with my arm.


Well-Known Member
Dislocated my right shoulder by falling off a damn bicycle! Also 'bout tore off my right ear. I was about 30 then. Nobody would believe me about the 10 speed....all believed it was the Harley. The shoulder healed before the ear. To this day I can't throw a rock really hard with my right without being remined of that particular stupidity.


New Member
Hey- do heart attacks count? They hit me four times with the padels to bring me back. I hand burns on my chest and side from them. Several years ago now, just a bad memory. Hope I didn't bum you guys out?!