Doodle bug OIL Leak

hey, lately i have seen oil spots under my bike and i tightened the oil insert plug and the drainage plug but there is still oil drips under it. i can't identify the leaking spot because its like a little steady drip i guess but i can't find where its coming from. has anybody else had this problem or know a way to fix it?
Oil leaks can be elusive li'l buggers. The best and easiest way I have used to find them is to get a piece of cardboard large enough to fit under the engine. Get the engine good and warm with a short ride, then park it over the cardboard preferably in a garage or some other wind free area. Let it sit for a few hours, and check where the oil spots are located, and go straight up from the spot. This should give you a good idea where it's coming from. Even if it's dripping off of the frame you should be able to back track where it came from on the engine. Hope this helps.:smile:


New Member
Clean it!

Completely degrease and clean the engine, then let it sit, then look around the seals and gaskets for an oil trail.

My experience has been that the crank seals are most notorious leakers.

Good luck with yer leaker.

Not often an easy fix.