Eagle Field Hot Rod Gathering Mini Bike Invitation OCT 8

I know I don't visit the board very often but I have a soft spot for Mini Bikes and am offering a special price of $30 Bike and Rider to Mini Bike Racers who Pre-Register. Mini Bike Drags are 300', Contact me at 559 351 3537 or email me lbrtoys@yahoo.com.

Mini Bike entry fee is $15 (+ $15 Gen Admission) Pre Reg or at the gate. If anyone wants to pregister with a mini bike just change the $25 entry fee to $15 on the pre-reg form and note it's for a Mini Bike. Rocky
I'm all revvvved up after watching our 2nd Annual Fresno Dragways Reunion DVD produced by Larry Luna. Check out Larry's You Tube Trailer then get your DVD NOW (PM me) or during the Hot Rod Gathering Oct 8th @ the Bell Air Motorsports Trailer.
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Probly a stupid question but whats the normal regis. fee? i'll be there either way. waitin for someone to come take my title away :p
There were six mini bikes at the Eagles Field race with Pepboyspecial pulling off another win, he's still holding the title, it got down to two riders, pepboyspecial and Jesse. This was the world championship race making him Champion Mini Bike Racer Of The World, any challengers will have to wait until May for the next Eagles Field race to try to dethrone him, it got down to the two of them getting in nine runs so there was lots of tire smoking burn outs and alcohol burning racing action, the croud loved it, thank you Rocky for a great event and your tire smoking twin engine dragster was pretty damn cool. :thumbsup: