evel knievel


Active Member
I had all the evel Toys as a kid..wish I still had that stuff but it was trashed by my cousins after I was done with it....I liked the guy, he wasnt afraid to say what was on his mind...and ya have to like a guy who jumps his HD over various objects...pretty cool stuff for the 70s.


Active Member
I had all the evel Toys as a kid..wish I still had that stuff but it was trashed by my cousins after I was done with it....I liked the guy, he wasnt afraid to say what was on his mind...and ya have to like a guy who jumps his HD over various objects...pretty cool stuff for the 70s.
I live in florida now but Im from strongsville Ohio I have seen Evil hanging out in various resturants and coffee shops in the Cleveland area I cant say that I ever talked with him but I hold him responcible for alot of my faceplants bent forks and skinned knees in the early to mid 70s
GOD must have wanted him to live a full life for a reason beacause the things he did should have killed him in the seventy's
He was a real ICON of that era like Bruce Lee
rest in peace


Well-Known Member
He has been my hero for a lot of years. Heres one reason why: After he sorta retired he told his male secretary that anything written about him would have to be reviewed before sending to a publisher. The jerk ignored the directive. Evel said words to the effect that if you do it again "I'll break every bone in your body". The idiot did it a second time and Evel, good to his word, broke a lot of bones. As I recall Evel served 18 months. Ya gotta respect a guy that does what he says he will do.