How common are adult go cart frames that will fit a 6' 2" guy?

Hi everyone. A few years back my grandson wanted a mini bike so we built one from a kit I bought on line. After a few weeks of watching him ride, my daughter insisted he not go alone, he asked me why I don't build one for me? Then we could ride together.
Well that's what I did. It had to be bigger since I am six foot two tall. We have been riding for the past two years. Last fall he decided he would like to try a go cart. I picked up a used rolling chassis/frame and switched drive components from the mini bike to the go cart. Now I must admit I wouldn't mind a go cart too. I cannot fit on his Vintage Manco cart. My knees are almost in my face. How common are adult sized frames? Can any one suggest manufacturers names? I have looked at several used frames here in NC but the distance from the seat to the peddles is always around 34-35 inches. I am guessing I would need around 40 to be somewhat comfortable. Thanks in advance for any input.


Active Member
i don't know about nc but there are plenty of adult race karts available on cl around here !!! search cl under racing kart you should find something big enough . all the yard karts are small more for kid size than adult :thumbsup:
ah... the ol blue manco. i wondered how that thing was going! i bet you lost my number...

ive got what you need. already got a complete adult sized kart on craigs. 8-hp briggs roll bar seat belt

also have one more similar to the smaller one thats been made to fit someone taller like you
Hey...yep I lost your number. The old blue manco fits my grandson perfectly. I do remember that you had several larger kart frames hanging in your shed. I might be interested in one that is similar to the small manco frame. Send me a picture and the distance from the seat back to the pedals. Who knows maybe we can work out a deal. $ or a trade.