How do I remove the stickers without messing up my paint?

The title explains it all. I'm about to get a DB and I don't want any of those corny stickers on it but I don't know how I would get them off without messing up the paint job. Did any of yinz do this and how did you do it?
A heat gun or good blow dryer will work, but if you do use a heat gun be carefull not to get things too hot or you will blister the paint! They sell some citrus based products like goo-gone that will clean the residue, or rubbing alcohol will break it down. Be patient take your time and you will be happy with the results! Keep razor blades away from it, bad idea!
Put the bike in the sun and peel them off with your fingernail. The paint will not come off easy. I have done this several times....



Active Member
I used a less than safe method, gasoline. It messes up the paint if you're not careful but if you do it right and use very little gasoline in the right spots, with the help of a razor blade the stickers peel right off.


Active Member
WD-40 will also dissolve the glue in the sticker lift a corner and little WD and continue to peel add a little more WD every pull. This will not mess with the paint either. Also you can use it it get stick gunk off anything like glass or what not. Use soap and water after to get the WD off with out a scratch.
I'm not sure about using a razor or gasoline. I'm even worried about using goo gone. WD40 sounds like a decent idea and I was already thinking about the hair dryer idea.
Sloooooow down dont use gas!

The best method is a heat gun! if you are not gifted already with one or dont have the finances a blow dryer is the next best thing! No gasoline or wd40 or goo gone for the baja products this might F:censure:K up the cheap paint they throw on their bikes I know I own two of them!
The best method is a heat gun! if you are not gifted already with one or dont have the finances a blow dryer is the next best thing! No gasoline or wd40 or goo gone for the baja products this might F:censure:K up the cheap paint they throw on their bikes I know I own two of them!
WD-40 will not mess up the paint.
Without a doubt WD40 will not mess up the paint, I have gotten it on mine several times. Goo-gone is safe as it is a citrus oil and is used on fine furniture to remove gum and stickers kids put on stuff! I understand the concern as most times people hear the word citrus, citric acid comes to mind! A lot of different products yeild the same results but safe is always best! Vette66__00 is a moderator because he is wise, listen to him!


Well-Known Member
3m makes a product just for removing stickers. it works pretty much like bug and tag remover/goo gone...etc.. wd-40 will work too. it maybe just little weaker,but it will soften up the sticker. kind of like minerial spirts will too. none of these products will damage the paint on a db frame. you may just want to let it site out in the sun for awhile. you be surprise how easy some may come off. my original orange db stickers came right off.
Okay I been taking the stickers off of my mini bike and there is some leftover residue. One final question: WD40 vs. Goo Gone? Which one should I use?
WD-40 will be less aggressive than goo-gone will be. I have found if you leave goo-gone on car paint to long it will damage the paints shine. WD-40 I have left on paint for weeks and used some soap and water and it came off with no blemishes. Your choice..
WD-40 will be less aggressive than goo-gone will be. I have found if you leave goo-gone on car paint to long it will damage the paints shine. WD-40 I have left on paint for weeks and used some soap and water and it came off with no blemishes. Your choice..
Thanks man. I'll do that tomorrow.
WD-40 will be less aggressive than goo-gone will be. I have found if you leave goo-gone on car paint to long it will damage the paints shine. WD-40 I have left on paint for weeks and used some soap and water and it came off with no blemishes. Your choice..
Again listen to your moderator! He is one for a reason! He is knowledgable and cool, he has helped me so very much! Water Displacer Number 40 is a known safe product!