I might have one of the Original 6 Blazer Minibikes

I understand a couple of Tote Gote employees branched off and started their own company for a couple years in the late 50s. I just purchased a Blazer mini bike and have been trying to do the research. This bike has the original side panels on it that say "Blazer" which is weird because everything I find on line says "Trail Blazer". The paint looks to be original (blue) and I think the frame is a Tote Gote frame. The totegoteland website says the first 6 Blazers were made from Tote Gote frames and I think they were blue. I really need some help identifying what I have and what year. I have pics if you need to see them. I never go on forums so I'm new to all this. Please let me know if you know of anyone I can contact that will get me closer to an expert on these bikes. Thanks again.