Intake Port temperature?

I am thinking of putting a carburetor off a chainsaw (yes 2 stroke) on my 5hp briggs. The size of the chainsaw's carb is nearly exactly the same as my briggs' original carb-on-tank carb. So i was wondering how i could make an intake manifold for this thing. I was thinking of making it out of PVC which would be easy to work with, but would it melt due to the block being too hot? furthermore would a 2-stroke carb even work on a 4 stroke?


Well-Known Member
If it works on a 2 stroke, withch takes a really sudden gulp of air [in comparison to a 4 stroke] it will work OK on your 5 horse. That flathead motor has the exhaust port right next to the intake port. Plastic probably won't work due to the localized heating.


Supporting Speed Nut!
You can go to a welding shop and have someone make you an intake from scrap metal tubing. 7/8", or 3/4". What ever size the carb bore is.
Technically, Honda GC and GX series intake manifolds are made of plastic...they're only about 3/8" long, and the GC uses a thin metal heat shield to protect the plastic...

If it were my project, I'd probably try the least until I was sure I would be able to jet the carb to work well on the engine, then possibly remake the intake in another material...
ive used a 2 stroke carb (walbro wb3a) on a 5hp briggs it does not have the best drivability and is figity i think it could have been better but i didnt know about pop off and never tried playing with that aspect if it rangood on top you couldnt cruise if you had good cruise no top