Hello.....I am new to the mini bike community. I am looking for a front wheel, front fender and complete fork assembly for a JC Penney El Tigre project. Condition does not have to be great and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.....
I have an original El Tigre 6" front wheel that I don't need. It is in pretty poor condition but it does seem to run true. It was spray bombed silver at some point on the outside but you can see remnants of the original chrome finish on the inside. It looks like someone repaired some rust with JB Weld at some point. Like anything made from steel it could be repaired and re-chromed. When I get home from work this evening I can post some pics if you would like to see it.
I have an original El Tigre 6" front wheel that I don't need. It is in pretty poor condition but it does seem to run true. It was spray bombed silver at some point on the outside but you can see remnants of the original chrome finish on the inside. It looks like someone repaired some rust with JB Weld at some point. Like anything made from steel it could be repaired and re-chromed. When I get home from work this evening I can post some pics if you would like to see it.-Ray
Thank you Ray.....I am definitely interested in the wheel and that would be great if you could post a couple of pictures. If you would, also include the price. Thanks again.....Terry
I took a good look at it and it's rough. I'm sure it spent a lot of time in the weather as evidenced by the corrosion and pitting. It does work and I rode my El Tigre with it for three months before I replaced the wheels. At the very least it could be used to match up to a new steel wheel which would be worth having chromed. As far as price is concerned, if you could pick it up then the price is free however you show your location to be Wisconsin so I don't think that's happening. I would estimate UPS ground shipping at $15 so a total of $25 should cover the trip to the UPS store in my 6.2 liter powered car in horrible traffic were it takes 30 minutes to go six miles. I know, $25 for this turd. The economics is killing me too. But if you need an original part then this will fit the bill.
Ray.....I really appreciate you going through all your efforts for me, but after looking at your pictures, it is a little too rough for me. The pitting doesn't bother me as much as the JB Weld "patch". Thanks again and I apologize.....Terry
No problem. If it were me and l was going for a 100% correct restoration I would try to find a new wheel that looks very similar to the original then have it chromed. Let me know if you want more pictures and I can also take some measurements for you. Good luck on your build and be sure to post some pics for our viewing pleasure. The El Tigre is a great design. I was surprised by how well mine rode even in the decrepit state that it was in when I purchased it. All of the new parts and improvements only made it better.
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