lol, vegans

Maybe the lot of you should take a step back and think about that video in the link.

A cow is suposed to roam and eat hay.
A chicken runs around and eats everything from grain to bugs.
A hog eats anything and everything ( even a person given a chance, but they don't eat the heads ).

WE eat factory food.
But if you look around there are a lot of farmers that raise ethical meat.
Its expensive and its hard to find but if you get the chance try it.

And we eat too much meat anyways.
Durring the war my Dad LOATHED a lot of the badly cooked food he had to eat.
He absolutely refuses to this day to eat margerin but its a fact back when meat was rationed and people had voctory gardends they were healthier.

SO given the chance buy some ethical meat, cut down on your consumption and eat me vegies. The worst it will do is make your bowls move faster and get the fat in your blood stream down.

And beer drink proper beer made with grain not corn....
And drink moonshine from a good bootleger its better ( You know what your drinking and its a good bootlegger odds are its a hobby thing more about making and caramelizing graisn because the fellow like to make GOOD wiskey ).

In closing it is better to buy GOOD meat and eat less of it than tghe shit you get off a factory farm that goes through one of the 11 slaughter houses int he USA for beef ( yes there are only 11 super meat factories in your country).

I love meat good meat but I can't afford to eat a lot of it.
I love fish too.....
Not too many things I will not eat in fact.....

I used to hunt and fish a lot and thats probably the most ethical way a fellow can get good meat these days short of finding a CO-OP that has good free range beef or chicken of pork.

Pickeral in a littl flower and butter...
Land locked salmon gafted as it swims around in the water treatment plant and smoked while it still twitching.....
Sucker ( YA ) even a humble sucker pulled off the bottom of a cold lake pickled is good
Whitefish smoked.....
Smelts fried in a hubacp off the car with a half dozen pats of butter from the local Tims....
Brain food my man.....

End rant
Eat well, not eat more......
Wow!! That's a pretty caustic comment there Bugger. Did your girlfriend run off with a Vegan or something? Ogy
no, lol i just hate how every vegan/vegetarian i meet has to cram the whole "meat is murder" thing down my throat. end rant, and to old school, yes... just yes
I hunt, I fish, I cook good food at home, no corn syrup, no nitrates, no restaurants, no msg!
Folks should know what's good for them?
If it has a shelf life of years then you should already know the answer.

enuf said!

FDA isn't there to make you healthier, it's there to make sure companies make more money by not getting sued for negligence.
I hunt, I fish, I cook good food at home, no corn syrup, no nitrates, no restaurants, no msg!
Folks should know what's good for them?
If it has a shelf life of years then you should already know the answer.

enuf said!

FDA isn't there to make you healthier, it's there to make sure companies make more money by not getting sued for negligence.
well put


Well-Known Member
Oldschool----ETHICAL meat!!! So ethical meat is the result of animals being allowed to roaming freely and having a good unfettered life [not caged or fenced or penned] before we pneumatically fire a steel spike in their skulls and hang them up? I suppose the way out of the obvious dilemma is to become a vegetarian. That way a guy would't be taking any chances at all. Merely searching out and purchasing only 'ethical' meat there would still be a chance that some farmer would throw in a bird or a porker that was, in fact, of the unethical persuasion. Suppose all of it should be eschewed just to be safely ethecal.

So I sat here and thought over what I would need to change in my eating habits to become ethical. It comes to me that I am already 99.9% a vegetarian! I currently don't eat horses, snakes, possums, tapers, whales, elephants, zebras, seals, walruses, beavers, otters, musk rats, crows, lamas, camels, eagles, coons, coyotes, wolves, armadillos, mice, rats, anteaters, antelope, penguins, monkeys, orangutangs, apes, cape buffalo, sloths, and probably 10,000 other animal species. So all I got to quit is chicken, pigs, cows, and turkeys. Should be easy to do.

But then I got to thinking about it some more. As I'm already 99.9% vegetarian why get in a hurry right now, beings that I have a lot of meat on hand. I'll postpone the decision for now.


New Member
I bet you guys didn't know that Vegetarian is an old Indian word. Yeah that's right old old Indian word. It means: man who can not hunt
Oldschool----ETHICAL meat!!! So ethical meat is the result of animals being allowed to roaming freely and having a good unfettered life [not caged or fenced or penned] before we pneumatically fire a steel spike in their skulls and hang them up? I suppose the way out of the obvious dilemma is to become a vegetarian. That way a guy would't be taking any chances at all. Merely searching out and purchasing only 'ethical' meat there would still be a chance that some farmer would throw in a bird or a porker that was, in fact, of the unethical persuasion. Suppose all of it should be eschewed just to be safely ethecal.

So I sat here and thought over what I would need to change in my eating habits to become ethical. It comes to me that I am already 99.9% a vegetarian! I currently don't eat horses, snakes, possums, tapers, whales, elephants, zebras, seals, walruses, beavers, otters, musk rats, crows, lamas, camels, eagles, coons, coyotes, wolves, armadillos, mice, rats, anteaters, antelope, penguins, monkeys, orangutangs, apes, cape buffalo, sloths, and probably 10,000 other animal species. So all I got to quit is chicken, pigs, cows, and turkeys. Should be easy to do.

But then I got to thinking about it some more. As I'm already 99.9% vegetarian why get in a hurry right now, beings that I have a lot of meat on hand. I'll postpone the decision for now.
I need to revissit this thread when I dry out.

Been a quiet evening of drinking and contemplation on my birthday....

I have beaten the brains out of road kill and eaten it, because its unethical to let an animal suffer or to waste in a hungry world. I can;t claim I eat only things that I know are codled and comforted before they are slaughtered, But I make an effort to do what I feel is right.
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I'm a meat eater and will probably never stop eating meat but I've met some cool vegans in college. They're just extremely health conscience people that care about the world. In fact, they'll probably out live all of us meat eaters. They don't eat meat because of all the ethical/moral issues associated with the meat industry.

If all of us were vegetarians, around 6 billion people would be fed in the world. If everyone in the world had the typical american diet of about 30% meat, only 3 billion people could be fed. The reason being is that a lot of grain, oats, etc, is used to feed cattle that could feed humans. Look at 40 acres of land with cattle then look at 40 acres of potatoes. You'd be amazed at how many more people the potatoes will feed. Now add, the (x)amount of acres of grain it takes it feed the cattle....

One last thing to thing about is a lot of the 3rd third world countries that produce meat export it to us because the poor folk in those countries can't afford it. They starve while we have our chicken dinner. Once again, I love meat but I know what is associated with the industry.
A fellow I know has a hog farm and got targeted by PITA, they made alogations that were not true, I told him to go to the doctor for the stress they were causing him, he did and then hired a lawyer, he came out pretty darn good. These so called sympathetic people don't have a heart for their fellow man. If you have ever butchered a confined hog verses a slop hog in a pen for your own cnsumption of which I have many times, you would know the definate difference, the slop hog is not near as tender and does not taste as good. Grass fed beef sucks, I was given some by a friend and tried it, the rest I gave away. I would rather eat good grain fed beef and just eat less of it.