My Dad


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your dad Grant... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know Florida is a long way from Texas but prayers travel fast.
im very sorry to hear this grant, i hope every thing will be ok. tell your family that all of use at OldMiniBikes is wishing the best for your family.
Got some bad news. MRI showed a ping pong ball sized tumor on the right side of his brain towards the front of the brain. Have no idea if it is cancerous or not. He has been moved to a different hospital where they have robotic technology to do the operation and have it removed. Surgery will not happen until his UTI is cleared up so as not to spred infection to the brain. I have not slept since Sunday night. I stayed with him all last night while my mom came home to rest. I just got back home in Alice and ready for a good nap. Surgery will most likely take place on Thursday at the very soonest, but more than likely Friday. Thank you all so very much for the prayers and good wishes. We need them all.

For anyone that wonders why I'm on OldMiniBikes and not with my dad (which I have been for the past 30+hrs straight), I have the app on my phone and inbetween worrying and tending to my dad at the hospital, you guys give me strength reading your replies to this thread and I like to get my mind of things every once in a while.
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Is he conscious Grant?

He even got up and walked around, passed all the silly neuro tests like, touch your nose, touch my finger, how many fingers am I holding up, knows his name, age, our names, etc....

He's even cracking jokes and his sense of humor is in full effect even though he's very sedated and in and out of sleep.
Grant, I attend mass every monday, wednesday, and friday at my school. I will have the mass tomorrow said for him.

You have all the prayers I can give.


Growing up is optional
Has he had loss of limb use or facial paralysis? It's good he know whats going on, and is ambulatory! We will all be praying for him in the coming days. Keep telling him he's got to get better, he's got a lot of Shit to fix!
Has he had loss of limb use or facial paralysis? It's good he know whats going on, and is ambulatory! We will all be praying for him in the coming days. Keep telling him he's got to get better, he's got a lot of Shit to fix!
absolutely no loss of any limb use or paralysis. The nurses are all in amazement at how none of the above has occurred.
Keep the faith Buddy. Been there, done that with my Dad only I was 10 years old back in the cave man days. Things have come a helluva a long way since then. You aren't walking this path alone and if you need anything, just give a holler. We got your back!

My prayers are with you as well.
I have only been a member a short time , but have come to enjoy your posts , and I am happy to be on a site that shows so much compassion for others.
man I know what it's like being in a hospital round the clock day after day looking after a parent.....went through it a lot with both parents.
you gotta get some rest and three square meals or you'll be the next one down sick and won't be able to help at all.........jack up your vitamin intake !!

best wishes....

