Promark Trike Build

As most of you know, one of the projects the students do in my program is building a minibike. This year I wanted to do something different so I brought in a Promark Trike for them to build. This is my other 7th-grade class. There are nine students in this class. They started about two weeks ago. They learned about hand tools and shop safety first. The next thing was how to read a parts manual. The trike is now apart and on its way to the powder coaters. In the meantime, my students are busy looking up replacement parts and hardware. I have the original Techumseh 8hp engine but for now, we are going to put a new Predator on it. I will save the engine for a later time. You can see pics of the project by going to my program web page. I update it as they work. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Are you a school shop teacher ? Or is this something you just do on your own ? Either way that is fantastic. So many young people today don't even know what tools are for. I have rebuilt 2 really rough old karts with 2 of my grandsons, 15 and 18 years old. One has taken to using tools and the whole mechanical aspect like a duck to water, the other even though he gets a kart to drive just like his brother is playing on his phone every time Grampy isn't watching. My hats off to you Sir. Kids need to learn how to do practical things, and for the age group you are working with I fear many of their parents don't posses the knowledge to do so. Keep up the good work.
I teach a program called Career Based Intervention. It is a program developed to help students who are identified as at risk of dropping out of school. I am always dreaming up projects to get them interested in finding careers that may match the talents and interests that they have. No shop, we do everything in the classroom.