RPM From sound

Just a little some thing I found on 4cyle .com
Thought some of you might enjoy it.

It's suppose to work, But I have yet to try it out. All you need is a mic and a computer, the programs free.

RPM from Sound

Evidently 0.500000 fundamental cycles per minute is perfect for single cylinder engines, and if you set the program to listen for a specific rpm range it's even more accurate(supposedly) The problem with that is the program won't read listen for the rpm above or below what you set.
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You seriously made my day.

Now im curious, and have yet another excuse to bring my laptop with me,
pretty sure im gunna try it in the morning

Really Jesse? Hence your location being Ypsi, eh?

(had to doit, sorry)

apparently, my living room is at about 900 RPms and my typing is somewhere in the low 800s, the cat jumping on the table is a whoping 1300 Rpms

Kinda curious to see if this works in the morning
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