Side cover gasket issues

I have been running a modified clone motor in a race bike and keep blowing part 0f the gasket out of the side cover. Could this be an issue with crankcase venting? I am running maybe too small of a line out of the valve cover? or maybe the dowl's in the side cover are not allowing the proper seal of the cover.

What should be the size of the vent tube from the valve cover?


New Member
You mean that AGK plate jackshaft? Got a close up of it installed? I'm thinking of getting one for a modified Mini bike with a Minicycle rear swing arm and rear wheel combo.... :grind:

I have go from #35 chain to #40 chain with a jack shaft but both on the same left side of the bike.
could have a warped cover/crankcase too causing a spot with no pressure from the bolts....try a dry fit of the cover and look for voids in the contact around it
update: I pulled the cover off and inspected it...all looked good. Checked the dowl pins and noticed they were not the same size. This may have been the issue, so I removed part of the end to see if the cover seated better. I installed a new gasket and used a little honda bond gasket sealer in the problem area. Hope this works.

Attached picture of jackshaft setup. Yes it has been modified.


New Member
I'm doing a Meyers lynx and thinking of using a 3/4" jack shaft with left sprocket outside of frame to clutch and rear wheel just inside that same area.....then I could make fast left side sprocket changes too.....:thumbsup:
had the same problem on my first clone i built. went to side cover studs and vented my crankcase. problem solved.

get rid of the stock bolts if that is what you are using. studs are good! :thumbsup:
Well I bit the bullet and added a new valve cover with duel vents...cost more than the motor:eek:ut: added a new bolt kit to the side cover...hope she don't leak no more...