I've picked up a little NOS Tecumseh two-stroke off Ebay for $80, shipped. The TC Series, being 2-cycle, could be run in any orientation, but the version I bought is fortunately already set up as a horizontal shaft. It's only 2 horsepower, but for the price I thought it would be fun to play with.
So, what sort of little ride-y around-y thing should I build with it? Some possibilities I've been thinking about—
So, what sort of little ride-y around-y thing should I build with it? Some possibilities I've been thinking about—
- Frijole-style minibike
- Motorize a pedal bicycle
- Super-minimalist minibike
- A custom-framed stand-up scooter
(Something like this but gas powered, not electric)
- Get really ambitious and make a 7/8 scale replica of a "straight frame" Cotton