"The Big One"

Just wanted to remind every about a really great vintage kart meet over Labor Day weekend in Fremont Ohio; I went last year, and now its a must do every year! This is the largest gathering of vintage karts in the world and one of only a very small handful of American karting events that recieves worldwide press exposure. Check out "The Big One" videos on You Tube!:thumbsup:


Active Member
very restrictive rules no flexibality this event is only for vintage karting purists that are willing to completely be submissive to the purists definition of what a vintage kart is even though you may have a vintage racing kart that has never been changed from back in the day..
these event codinators are re writing history to their likeing
now with that said im sure it would still be entertaining to go and JUST WATCH but be careful what you say:eek:hmy:
have fun
The Big One kart meet is for vintage karts only; This event was started about a dozen years ago with just a handful of guys getting together for fun & the love of vintage karts; Last years event had grown to over 300 people, and I didn't see anyone who wasn't having a blast! Personally, I think the "No Clone Zone" rules keeps some integrity in this hobby; Everyone has their own likes & dislikes - fortunately, there is a get together somewhere for every interest! :thumbsup: