The Purple Pandamonium Pacer

hey gang, just wanted to start a thread on the rebuild of my 68-70ish ( dont know the exact year ) Rupp C-220, at least i think its a rupp c-220 haha. im new to the whole mini bike scene but iv got one now and am in the process of rebuilding it.
when i got the bike it was in roughhh shape. motor didnt work, throttle system was iffy at best. and the paint left somthing to be desired.

to this moment I transplanted a newer 6.5 honda from an old pressure washer i had lying around into the rupp frame and you better hold your breath while tring to wiggle the motor in there cause there is NO more room inside the frame rails on that thing once the motors in.

once i got the motor to fit and rigged up a slightly better throttle system i rode it up and down the street about half a million times with some buddies and back apart it came. as of friday i got the rims back from powerdcoat and got them done in a semi-gloss black and they look way better then the old rusty sorta brown colour they were. I also just re did the seat on the bike yesturday and am gonna wait to upload pictures before i tell you what i did with it, i have a feeling a few of you may like it.

The frame is still at the powdercoaters and i am hoping to get it back early next week with the colour to still be determind.

When i got the bike it was painted purple and the seat was in a purple vinyl (that had seen better days) and the bike was fittingly named " The Purple Pandamonium Pacer" the seat is no longer purple but the frame may come back being purple although if i dont like the purple it will become somthing different and will have to use the forum here to help name it again.

hope to get some pictures loaded up here soon for you guys and since i am new to the whole mini bikes please feel free to give advice and help a guy out
okay got some pictures here

first the front rim, sandblasted and powdercoated semi-gloss black

heres the rear rim from the sprocket side, and yes it accelerates hard

heres my new seat, i took off the old purple vinyl that had seem better days. i then took a piece of carbon fiber cloth and wraped it around, then once that was done i took some clear vinyl and coverd it all with the vinyl to hopefully try and keep the water and stuff out

and this is just a close up view to try and see the carbon, the pictures arent really doing it any justice but hopefully you get the idea