There were 11 completed projects in the “Vintage Class” class this year. Please vote for your favorite!
Click on the OldMiniBikes logo to take you to the entry thread. These are in no particular order, just the order I pulled them from the main thread.
Dr. Shop Teacher's - Ruttman
j57little's - Rupp Roadster Rebuild
Jackeo21's - Tru Test
TotegoteTrav's - Totegote Collegiate
Docdc's - Heald VT-3
Chipper's - Roper
cruhr1's - 1969 Rupp Chopper
1stBxMopar's - Bare Bones Arco
Rupp 72's - 1968 TT-500
Davis's - Tote Gote 781
cdownie3's - 1968 Rupp XL-350
Click on the OldMiniBikes logo to take you to the entry thread. These are in no particular order, just the order I pulled them from the main thread.
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