what does 1 trillion dollars look like?

US Government not smart??? The whole world could form an alliance to take arms against us and they would get their ass kicked in 30 minutes. We are not a Super Power....We are a Super-Duper Power. The only one. How did that happen if we are so stupid? And our superiority is not going to chane anytime soon. Hell California, if it were a separate country, would have the 7th largest economy. Look at all the numbers in the debt list. Spain who only exports wine and olive oil is listed at minus $152,500,000.000! Greece which, like Spain, manufactures almost nothing and exports nothing but anchovies. They are minus $36,200,000,000! Talk about bankrupt with absolutely NO WAY to pull it out. On ANY meaningful scale we are in good shape! The US is the ONLY nation that manufactures an airplane WITHOUT government substity! Airbus would not last very long without the socialist backing by the EU. Sure, Buck Ofama wants to screw up the the system that made us strong and successful and move quickly toward socialism by printing money and giving it away. But I figger in the long run he can't do any worse than Jimmie Carter who gave away the Panama Canal. We lived through that, we can live through B.O.s administration. America is here to stay.
I agree - BUT all that and we still as a whole aren't smart enough to support our own economy when times are tough? Our government allows it to happen since our people aren't smart enough to make that decision on their own?

I don't mean everyone, but I'll say 80% of our population.
the problem is the banking industry , in canada it,s goverment regulated , the sud prime lending on holmes would not fly here . that is why the recession wont be as bad as it is in the us .our banks are in good shape here , no bailouts required ,you can go in and borrow . international trade is escencial it is the cornerstone of our free market economy ,to go back to a closed economy would push you back into a recession of the 1930s ,in canada we use a lot of us made goods ,drill pipe for oil drilling , steel sheeting from utha ,the list goe,s on and on ,you don,t want a goverment to step in and close that door ,it will only make things worst .in canada we look at it the same way , but you can,t stop trade ,look at walmart , more than half of what you buy is from china ,most of your clothes ,3rd world , ,the best is export more ,free trade ,develope more markets .it,s the only way out of a recession and into a decent economy .