*# Willy Wonka RIP #*

RIP Gene, long time Ct resident. Would have loved to have met him, I loved all his movies but I think my favorite was "Stir Crazy"
Bend Over.....Nice to meet you Ben :laugh:
Heard he passed earlier today, read an article on him one time about stuff he did. Wasn't just an actor, wrote screenplays, wrote and sang songs, directed, did Shakespeare, etc, etc, Very talented. In the same article it talked about Blazing Saddles, he wasn't supposed to be in it, the original actor got sick, Brooks called him up and said I need help and he did the movie, that's where he met Richard Pryor, who was a writer for the movie and they did what 3,4, ? movies together. We Bad, un huh, we bad
Definitely had an awesome " Off The Wall" sense of humor. I love the out of the box geniuses. He's on the the "Silver Streak" for the hi-line home.