Worth rebuilding or boat anchor?

I now have 3 clapped out Dirtbug engines. They are not heavy enough to use as boat anchors, has anyone succesfully rebuilt one or are they disposable? I have one minibike that I need to keep slow for my 6yo daughter if I cannot cost effectively rebuild these engines I will have to use an old 2hp edger engine!


Active Member
To be honest a 2 hp Briggs or tec are better and cheaper than rebuilding that engine. That engine doesn't have any support so its really a mystery on if its an exact copy to be able to be rebuilt.
Scrap metal then! I got an edger in mind at a local pawn shop for $40 and it is a good running little briggs with the octagon air cleaner housing a good one in my experience. I have a 5hp with a 1" shaft that is in the same class heavy duty!
No thanks, one of the three is nearly new and has major blow-by and half the power it had new and a 6yo 45lb girl and a 14yo 120lb boy are the only ones who have ridden it! Probably should just repower it. I do thank you for the offer however! After the bike show/swap meet tomorrow and the I.R.S.:hammer:ing me I wont have much cabbage anyway!
OKC fairgrounds call 948-6797 for info and I hope you go, the motorcycle/minibike community is widespread in our state! Although I wish someone would open a minibike track that is well advertised and maintained, the minibike scene suffers in that aspect! Tons of people are riding on the street which is inherently dangerous not to mention illegal, not everyone here in OKC has a field next door and behind their home as I do!