Manco Chopper

This is my mini chopper project. I believe it is a Manco Stars and Stripes. This is my first mini, but I have more projects in progress. I used as many original parts as possible and added a 2 speed jackshaft. I fixed the steering by adding bearings and changing the rake.
Likes: Charles S
Very nice bike! That's what my bike would look like if I didnt use such a large engine! How well does that 2 speed jackshaft work?
That looks like the first minibike engine I ever had. That thing is very clean, he must don't ride it?

You got my vote!
Thanks everybody for the kind words about my bike. I just discovered today that your comments are here. The pictures of this bike are before Windber, but it does not get near the use that it should. The motor runs well, and the 2 speed jackshaft works good. The brake is another thing all together. The brake is very sensitive and locks the back tire up too easy. I use Nike brake shoes. I live on a dead end road in a city, and we run it on the street. It goes good on a strait line, but it turns like a school bus. Thanks again, and I am sorry it took me so long to find this post.

Thanks twoseatvintage, I used he motor that was on it when I found it in middle Ohio. It is a Tecumseh, probably from the early 90's.
Great bike, i had one of these growing up, and was just wondering if you knew maybe a place that i can get a frame like yours, i think they look the best out of all the mini bike frames, thanks

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Jim Criste
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