my bike,s front neck is worn on the bottom were the long bolt goes thru. the bolt wont turn should I just weild a washer over the wobled out hole? It steers ok, I don,t think there is a bushing in there is there?
You can make the pin that goes through the band ... just drill a hole ina bolt cut the head off, stick it through thr loop in the band and use the cable stop I showed you how to make on the other end. If you dont have the ability to do this go to amower shop, they should have a pin and cable stop all in one. It looks like a small cylinder that a bolt screws into... the cylinder has a hole drilled in it that the cable slides through, so when you screw the bolt into it ,it tightens down on the cable. Don't know how to better explain it than this without a pic..Hope this helps
Go to the correct forum and start a on the grey box at the left side about 2/3 from the bottom of the screen...hardware store is fine ifyoufind what you are looking for, don't be afraid to ask them alot of questions as there is usually someone that will know what you are looking for. The sqeeze it thing will work for a throttle cable but will probably slip off under hard braking.(thats bad...LOL!) I would go to a local mower shop and explain to them what you are doing. I have even made my own ...drill a hole in a bolt right next to the head , stick the cable through holeand tighten the nut down so it squeezes the cable between the head of the bolt and the nut...and presto!!
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