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  • I would buy your diaphragm carbs an 90 degree air cleaner adapters if you wanted to sell them. Thanks, Owen
    Cool. I am going to be down for a while but when i get going we will get together. You can see some of my stuff in photos under the name Rodney.

    Sorry for the delay in responding to this, I don't check this part of the forum much as you can tell...
    I have almost every issue of mini bike guide and mini cycle mag.
    The time it takes to scan each mag correctly and convert each to a DVD made doing them unattractive to most members the cost was around $49.00 for each mag. If by chance you are still interested and want a specific issue PM me.
    The mag is disassembled and each page is scanned @ 300dpi and is converted to a pdf book ready to be viewed or printed for your enjoyment.
    Sounds good !!!!! Who doesn't want to go faster ????
    I have alot of new parts a keep away in the garage.
    Would like to see some pictures soon.

    Talk to you later, David
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