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  • Hent,

    I must be doing something wrong; concerning private messages.

    I see I have 41 messages. For the past 2-3 days I have been trying to PM, chatten63, some with pics and some without. Then last evening I wanted to PM trailbronc, no pics.

    I find their username, click on the dropdown, to send private message, write my message, preview it, the click send message. My 41 messages never changes.

    I thought maybe, because I wasn't a supporting member, so I joined, was going to join anyway; but I thought that may affect the pics in the message.

    Tried trailbronc, again, all looks good I click on send message, still 41 messages.

    It must be something simple; but chatten63 and trailbronc, seem to never got my messages. Oh, I had sent chatten63, a few messages sometime before; but can't now.

    Thanks in advance, if you can see what I am doing

    So I was inquiring about the supporting status had purchased it doesn't seem to be there any longer
    Mr Hent is there a chance that we heald owners could get our own sub forum ? We will be nice and not act up . Also we all would be ever so thankful for it . Thanks for your time and have a nice day .
    Is there any place for an OldMiniBikes forum suggestion box?
    On stickeys threads...delete posts like "Looks cool" so just the facts that we are looking for there for is all that is there....

    Start a Mini cycle section too....as they cross over too.
    Hello there.
    Love this forum and most of OldMiniBikes products..been buy a fair amount myself.
    This is a head's up to you as I'm a ACVW product manufacturer and thought I'd share with you my thoughts of the header your selling...the Robertson's Torque tube HC-NF-S

    There's problems with them as you can't start the rear mounting nut on the head:
    Only thing I'd have to pull the stud and use a cap allen head bolts there...sucks.

    Plus very restrictive into the pipe too from the head port:

    Just thought I'd share this facts with you....
    Saw your picture of the two early Scramblers. Very Nice. I've been trying to find one of those for years. How did you come across two of them? Please email me at Hotrodtopo@Yahoo.com.
    Thanks, Greg
    Sir: I am relatively new here I only have a few posts but I read the new posts religously every workday (tues-sat). I would like to be able just to read the classified ad section not to sell anything but it says I am not allowed access. I am a supporting member just real new to the OldMiniBikes site, Is there something I need to do? If you could let me know I would really appreciate it. Thank You Mike D
    Hello Hent can you tell me why a question i ask in MB's for sale about 69 powell is gone. Did you delete it or the OP
    Hey nice forum. I know it is a lot of work as I used to run a Composites forum.
    Just an idea here, but add each users age in the left side box so people would know if it is a kid or not in answering questions and helping them with mis information they may had posted like in classifieds?

    I was wondering if there was anything you could do about the double shipping for the two orders I placed tonight. Maybe a credit?
    Hent; hello, hope you and Viki are happy and healthy!
    Question; at 7:09 this am, Toycartony posted to my biker build off entry thread, however, when I go to "new posts" it is not there, how does that work???
    Hi Hent, I was wondering if you have experiencing any problems with the forum message section as far not being able to use any of the features. Like the faces or any of the font, bold, spacing, underscore etc etc. I use to be able to but as of last weekend it hasn't been letting me use those features. It lets me type but thats it. Just wondering if its the site or my computer. Thanks for your time.
    Hi Hent,
    I lost my letter to you trying getting this website on; Home
    I bought a Metal Motors MX 196 2 weeks ago and it's not on their website yet, but if you would set up a M.M. owners group, I'll post on it happily (I've started on the mods)
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