Recent content by MCope

  1. M

    Has anyone used a brake drum with a 6 hole pattern that has a 3.25" bolt circle?

    That is exactly what I am looking for. I will also need the brake system to go with it. Thanks, Mike
  2. M

    Has anyone used a brake drum with a 6 hole pattern that has a 3.25" bolt circle?

    The bike is a Cyclops. The pic of the wheel is important. You can see the 6 hole pattern I need to match it up with.
  3. M

    Has anyone used a brake drum with a 6 hole pattern that has a 3.25" bolt circle?

    The wheel I am using has the 6 hole 3.25" inch bolt pattern and I am wanting to find a drum brake assembly that has the sprocket built in. If anyone has done this setup, please let me know. I am looking for the parts but many of the sites that sell combo brake drum and sprocket does not...
  4. M

    I bought it for the motor....

    I am always impressed by the creativity of people building min bikes. Kind of like the guys sitting around drinking beer and saying, "I think we can do this!" LOL Very strange design but cool for creativity. I am so glad someone came up with building a mini bike! LOL
  5. M

    I need help! Manco Disk Brake Installation

    125ccCrazy, I don't have a problem with welding it to a frame. I access to all kinds of welders, lathes and just about any kind of machining equipment you could ever want. I have been studying this situation. Here is my thoughts on it... 1. If I do it for the sprocket I am limited to the...
  6. M

    I need help! Manco Disk Brake Installation

    OND, I haven't seen one of those and how it is mounted.
  7. M

    I need help! Manco Disk Brake Installation

    I have a brand new Manco type disk brake system. I understand how it works but would like to see how it was mounted so that I can adapt it to my mini bike. Instead of adding a separate disk I plan on using the sprocket instead. I have searched the forum and googled other sites but haven't...
  8. M

    How to post pictures (Test Area)

    You can adjust the size by the slide in the app. You may have to play with it to get the size you are wanting.
  9. M

    Anyone thought about a side car for a mini bike?

    Hey guys thanks for the posts. These are really cool! I definitely have to make one for my bike. Thanks, Mike
  10. M

    Anyone thought about a side car for a mini bike?

    This is all cool! Now sparks my interest in building one. Sounds like fun! Mike
  11. M

    Anyone thought about a side car for a mini bike?

    I think it would be a cool project. I have googled and seen some pics of them. Just wondered if anyone has done that. Mike
  12. M

    Clutch, Chains and Sprockets info needed...

    All of this info is great! Thanks guys for the input. I think I am going with the #40. I will post how it turns out after I am finished with the build. Mike
  13. M

    What does it take to get help from the webmaster or administrator for profile issues?

    I don't recall anytime I called anyone names. I did express being frustrated by not getting any responses.
  14. M

    Clutch, Chains and Sprockets info needed...

    Havasu Dave, What are the pros and cons of going from #35 to #40 or #41? As I looked at the chains it would seem to be better to go with a heavier chain. But I don't know if it is a detriment or a plus going that direction. Too bad they don't have a setup using a belt like on motorcycles. LOL
  15. M


    I could have used spacers but what I found is when you tighten the outside nuts it presses into the bearings and distorts them. This way it won't do that. I found that out pulling the old bearings out. I work on motorcycles and the concept I used is similar to the way motorcycles are set up...