
  1. quiklids

    Meyers Lynx clutch guard-looks like Taco

    Need a clutch guard for the Lynx...looks just like a cast aluminum Taco cover w/o the Taco lettering. Prefer aluminum, but if you've got a fiberglass repro one, let me know....Thanks!
  2. jeep4me

    Nice little Meyers Lynx 65

    Just picked up this Meyers Lynx. I'll be fixing this one up for the show next year in Ann Arbor.
  3. wellohhhkthen

    Meyers Lynx or Mickey Bike or both

    I would like to find a Meyers Lynx and or a Mickey bike in original condition. The meyers came in 3 different models and I don't know much about them Thanks
  4. Bonanza Bryan

    Meyers Lynx Mini Bikes. Taco Made???

    I came across this ad and they look exactly like taco mini bikes except for the front plate on the forks. So did taco make those bikes for them or are they complete coppyed bikes. MEYERS LYNX MINIBIKE
  5. oldsledz

    Meyers Lynx Frame

    Meyers Lynx frame in vary good condition. 65.00

    Another one of those super rare Myers Lynx

    eBay Motors: 5 hp briggs mini bike (item 150276248254 end time Aug-03-08 16:43:34 PDT)