I haven't produced anymore of my other drawings on T-Shirts or Decals since sales weren't what I would have expected them to be and have inventory still left over. I have been asked about doing other bikes that I have not drawn yet or having one of my other drawings produced on a t-shirt. So I...
I thought it would be cool to have a life sized Maniac to display on one of my bikes while set up at shows. I bought a large styrofoam ball and some other styrofoam pieces and came up with this.
A little more refining. The my wife Lori covered it in material and I built a skeleton...
Okay, you've seen the stickers here now here are the t-shirts. For starters just these two designs are available. I can only afford to print up so many at a time. These are laser printed on a Gildan Ultra Cotton Preshrunk T-shirts. Laser printing shows up best on white shirts so that is what I...
Some more of my artwork on decals. These measure 3 1/4 inches wide by 4 inches tall. I know some of you have seen my drawings with other bikes. I decided to make these two first. One is a Golden Pinto (yellow bike) and the other is a Bonanza (blue bike). I am planning on making the rest of the...
Well I'm a new member here...been a looker for a while and figured I might as well just be a member. I bought my first mini bike (1971 Arctic Cat Prowler) last winter just because I'm an Arctic Cat fan and I thought it was neat as heck. After tinkering around with it...I got the mini bike bug...
Hey All... Michael the Maniac here. I live in Ventura, CA & been here for almost 14 years! I was born & raised in the San Joaquin Valley, just south of Fresno in Kingsburg! Grew up there & moved to Bakersfield from 1991 until the end of 1996, then moved here to beautiful downtown Ventura & do...
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