2 Complete Gilsons (Ward) on Ebay


Well-Known Member
Man, the lighted bike is awesome. Everything is there (except original seat). The motor runs, and the lights still work. The other is great too. Current bid is $19.73, but reserve not met. I wish these were closer and I'd throw my hat in the ring.

Anyone got predictions on price?



Well-Known Member
They went for $500 -- which is much cheaper than I had anticipated two complete bikes would go for. However, the reserve wasn't met and they're now relisted.

I messaged the seller asking if he would separate them and list them individually. He offered to sell the lighted bike for $500. It's a little more than I wanted to spend, but I figured I'd pass the info along to you guys in case you're interested. That's a steal for a complete Gilson if you're in the area and won't have to pay arms and legs to ship it.