How’s it going everyone! First post here although over many years I have looked to this forum for advise as I used to ride mini bikes,
Wasn’t sure on where to post but I think you group may help me the most. This motor is on a backwater mud motor kit instead of a Minibike frame, so turning a shaft with prop instead of a chain and sprocket.
This mud motor frame is on a very very light 10ft aluminum boat, I am wanting to upgrade the motor more but would like some mechanical minds assistance, I have the stock carb with a bigger jet, and header with a open styled muffler made onto it. The issue is I think I am hitting governor limit because I’m able to get to 9mph fast but doesn’t go a bit faster, so I plan to remove the governor and while I have the motor apart replace some internals... I know the billet flywheel is a must as well as the connecting rod, but which cam would best suit me as I have no class restriction lol, lookin at the 265 lift? Also I would get any springs needed for cam. Can I leave the rest of valve train beside springs stock? This is a motor that will run WOT for long periods traveling on the water. I want speed strength and reliability. Also I am going to upgrade to the 8mm msd coil.
Also! Are genuine mikunis a thing anymore??can not find a single new or used

Wasn’t sure on where to post but I think you group may help me the most. This motor is on a backwater mud motor kit instead of a Minibike frame, so turning a shaft with prop instead of a chain and sprocket.
This mud motor frame is on a very very light 10ft aluminum boat, I am wanting to upgrade the motor more but would like some mechanical minds assistance, I have the stock carb with a bigger jet, and header with a open styled muffler made onto it. The issue is I think I am hitting governor limit because I’m able to get to 9mph fast but doesn’t go a bit faster, so I plan to remove the governor and while I have the motor apart replace some internals... I know the billet flywheel is a must as well as the connecting rod, but which cam would best suit me as I have no class restriction lol, lookin at the 265 lift? Also I would get any springs needed for cam. Can I leave the rest of valve train beside springs stock? This is a motor that will run WOT for long periods traveling on the water. I want speed strength and reliability. Also I am going to upgrade to the 8mm msd coil.
Also! Are genuine mikunis a thing anymore??can not find a single new or used