5hp Briggs with TC, any fit issues?

It is and it isn't, The TC will end up sitting with the driven side at a downward angle in order to clear the gas tank, so I guess it depends on the application. I had to cut the bottom of the TC plate in order to get the motor to sit flush, this was on a Baja warrior


Well-Known Member
reminds me of this hot mess I found on a bike I bought once (Tecumseh and cat99 TC was standard equipment for it) :laugh:

The best is that they did all that hammering and tweaking to get the TC to fit on there, but never bothered to notice the tapered shaft :facepalm:
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I will be using it on a Baja Warrior as well. The tank is flush with the side cover. I will be adding a stock cam and sidecover with mounting holes.
I also am going to order a new tank. The old one is shot, gas sat in there for years and turned to rock hard varnish, the little reservoir for the short gas intake tube rusted away.
Im guessing at this point, if the TC interferes with the tank, a bike mounted tank is my best option. Could i still use the
pulsa jet carb to keep the govenor in place? Options?
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I feel dumb for asking this but what is that shaft on the engine to the right of the crank??? How have I never seen one like that before?

Also, Once you set the governor you can just use a spring to hold it in place at its peak rpm setting (UP), I tried a pulse jet on my 5hp and it just didn't have enough flow for a 5hp, cutting the sliver off the bottom of the TC plate only took like 5 minutes and it fit great, I'm sure it has no effect whatsoever structurally speaking. I'll take some pics of my set up tonight.
Alaskanrocket, that extra shaft is the end of the cam, used for power to drive wheels on a snoblower, or whatever. I will be replacing the cam with a reguler stock cam and side cover with only a thru hole for the crank. Also the new side cover will have the 4 bolt mounting pattern for the tc.
Alaskanrocket, that extra shaft is the end of the cam, used for power to drive wheels on a snoblower, or whatever. I will be replacing the cam with a reguler stock cam and side cover with only a thru hole for the crank. Also the new side cover will have the 4 bolt mounting pattern for the tc.
If memory serves me correctly (and it often fails) for us southern boys that don't know what this snow you speak of it also is used to power the reverse on some tillers. Seeming to remember the cam turns reverse of the crank snout.