Baja MB165 questions

Wait awile and get a torque averter that will make the most without messing with the motor.
What's a TC add, 10%?

I was thinking the other day. The 2.8s are flatheads, right? Would shaving the head be a good way to get more power out of this motor? Seems like the easiest way and it also seems like that would give it that umph that its missing.
How well are these engines built, anyway? Do ya think that they could take it?

The bigger the rear sprocket, the more top speed you'll have. Also, the smaller sprocket on the engine, the more top speed. If you switch those two around youll get acceleration but not as much speed. So a small rear sprocket will give you quicker acceleration.
I know what you're up're trying to keep your bike the baddest of 'em all. Just jokin'. Have you got it figured out now?

Remove the governor anyway, these little motors will run for a long time.
Make sure to remove all of the internals. What's up, Goat?
The bigger the rear sprocket, the more top speed you'll have. Also, the smaller sprocket on the engine, the more top speed. If you switch those two around youll get acceleration but not as much speed. So a small rear sprocket will give you quicker acceleration.
Bigger sprocket = more teeth
Smaller sprocket = less teeth(duh)
I hope this helps you.
you have that backwards (like people have already said).

when it comes to gearing, think of how a bicycle works. if you want more top speed you go to the biggest sprocket on the front and the smallest on the rear. if you're climbing a hill you go to the smallest on the front and biggest on the rear.

tire size also must be considered when deciding on gearing. a smaller tire is like going with a larger rear gear and vice versa.
to: 845mx5 i dont think your correct, the bigger the sprocket is on the rear wheel will give you more torque, faster out of the hole. the smaller obvioulsy will give you a faster over all top speed. and its a complete opposite on the engine sprocket. bigger on engine = top speed and smaller = acceleration.
do you agree ?
Yes.... there is no doubt. It's scientific fact. If you had a rear sprocket the size of the world on the wheel.... Your engine will wind wide open for years and your tire will not even make one revolution.... That's some pretty low gears.. Small sproket on the back goes faster becuase the wheel gets more revolutions out of the same length of cahin going around it...
You can take the rpm's of the crankshaft on the engine, times it by teeth on the clutch, divide by the teeth on the sprocket it's going into, repeat until you run out of gears, take that times it by the circumference of the wheel you are driving, change that size down to feet per minute, covert to miles per hour.... works pretty good... :001_tt2:
easy and cheap way for more speed is to throw on some 20x7-8 tires, you´ll never notice any power loss, and it gives some more top end. Next I would go to a 45 tooth rear sprocket, stock is 50, there ofcourse are smaller sprockets you can get but you still want some trail useability. these were my fisrt mods, and I was very pleased with the end result, but it never stops after that, you´ll be searching for more and more mods!