"Before and After" pics

Built this for my Gr Daughter...shes 9...Luvs it...Was a Can Tire Rivet mini with Chinese 2 HP motor...rusty... mini cherry fini.jpg kylie2.jpg Painted it Black Cherry...added sissy bar...upgraded to a Princess Auto Powerfist 3 HP...not too fast for her..
Cheers: LW P9260002.JPG
I started this build an embarrassingly long time ago but it is finally just about almost finished. :rolleyes:
It began as an unremembered frame in my steel pile out in back of my shop. 20 years ago my son and I built several mini bikes and rode them before selling them. This frame we acquired along the way somewhere. I joined this forum 5 years ago but didn't do much with mini bikes. I retired last year and decided to get busy on my pile of Mini bikes.

Thank you to all you guys that helped me along the way.



Still need decals and stripes but it rides great without them! :thumbsup:

Mike T
my lil indian i had it about 20 years finally decided to fix it up i squeezed a predator 212 in there lol.. still have more work to do waiting on my brakes to come in from OldMiniBikes and my stage 1 kit 20160906_183409.jpg 20160922_221755.jpg 14536697_10210419756198532_373830183_o.jpg 14550885_10210419758518590_1372981826_o.jpg 14550995_10210419756158531_1473830037_o.jpg
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