Slywilliez, Someone Bought the BONANZA name ?
Interesting, do you know of any of their plans?
I went to Dave Millers shop last year to pick up some forks i had contacted him about through eBay. (southern California)
Dave was really nice to me, gave me a small tour around his shop, & showed me some of the projects he was working on.
He had a bunch of motorcycle & minibike stuff going on. It was ALL good.
Some useful, top quality re-made Bonanza parts. including the Perfect, made to order forks, he made for me. (very fair price)...
Real Bummer if they took the name usage away from him.
unfortunately, My phone took a dump on me a few months ago, & I no longer have his number.
Maybe you can find his name/number in an Orange County directory.
I'd bet he still has some great "NON-Bonanza" parts he'd be willing to part with.
The Bonanza Underworld Badge Trade (BUBT) has always interested me.
(Changing numbers now, still means nothing. But when the riddle of the Bonanza Genetic code is finally figured out...
PS: they sell pretty nice looking reproduction Badges right here on OldMiniBikes for $35