Broken funs on the flywheel?

i dont think i have a motor that doesnt have broken fins. It will be fine. If your so concerned about safety your in the wrong hobby!
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New Member
Right here :thefinger:
"It will run OK." ~ his opinion, he did not say: You should run it that way.

"I'm guessing your mtor isn't turning very high RPM anyway. If you were turning 7,000+ RPM you would be pushing it." ~ his opinion again, and again he did not say: You should run it that way.

:eek:ut: :censure: :doah:

I don't know you well enough to give you the finger... yet. :confused:

Im sick of the clone heads! Im just going to try and ignore them. Its getting to the point where it isnt fun to come look on the site. :thumbdown: All it is is a bunch of knuckleheads bashing me because i dont like clone engines, MDB or Enigma. I tried ignoring Enigma but for some reason he keeps up his BS.

Josh, do you know the definition of "enigma"? >>>>

"mystery: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained"



Supporting Speed Nut!
I have no hard feelings with you Josh. I personally wasn't even talking to you. I was replying to someone else.

There are tons of minibike riders out here riding with 1, or 2 broken fins. I'm not saying it's the best way to run it. But if it runs, then run it.

At least until you get a good one that has all the fins.

The clone motors flywheel will normally explode from just high RPM alone. Even with all the fins. The 5hp briggs flywheels are a lot stronger, and normally won't explode.

You guys are talking about kart racing motors that turn very high RPM. If you are only turning 5,000 RPM it's a totally different deal.
On a stock 5hp Briggs you should be able to knock all the fins off, as long as you didn't beat on the main body of the flywheel. You could most likely fire it up, open the throttle wide open and walk away. The rod would fry to the crank or piston would melt, or a valve would drop or stick and brake the cam, or the flywheel key would shear, before the flywheel would blow. That's just my opinion though. If I had one to spare, I'd try it myself.




Enima, if you don't have the guts to back up your mouth and race Josh,,,, the shut the :censure: up!

Should be a law about squaters in these parts. :cowboy:


New Member
No big bah-dah boom? :crying:

Cone-heads vs the flat-heads... sounds like a really low-budget sci-fi... who's got popcorn? :alien:


Supporting Speed Nut!
I thought it was 6, but it is "16" missing fins.
I bought this flywheel used for cheap because it had two broken fins next to each other. I then skipped one fin and took off two more fins over and over. Then I tested it out, and walla.



New Member
MDB... what a nice looking engine... its just got that laid-back look discerning riders prefer! :biggrin:


Grinder, grinder, grinder!!! :biggrin:
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