This one is long sorry guys. so my dad passed down this Honda trail 70 to me that I learned to ride on way back when I was a kid. Engine stoped running way back when and I tore it apart to rebuild but became a teenager and found “better things to do”. Long story short dad couldn’t get it back together so bought a whole brand new engine, cdi, rectifier, coil for it a few years back from CHP Motorsports and put it back together. Ran great! Only had maybe 10 hours on the engine. Anyways get it back to my house and riding around with my girlfriends kid on it and he’s learning how to drive it and he pops the clutch and it dies. I go to start it back up and won’t start. Try push starting nothing. Get it back to the house and get new spark plug and coil, nothing! New cdi and rectifier, and I can get it to push start and run for few seconds and die unless at full throttle and even then wants to die and only runs at super low idle speed. Took apart carb cleaned it up best I could and same result, only runs at full throttle. Think maybe blew a ring or gasket. Take it apart to replace all gaskets and check rings, everything looks good. At this point I am tied of chancing this problem and have other pressing issues things so sits torn apart for few months (AGAIN) finally get it back together and no change. So put it on the back burner for another few months which brings me to today. Pulled it out figured give it another look. Kick the kick starter and give it full throttle, starts up but still same problem of sound like it’s at a “struggling” idle with it at full throttle. Let off throttle just a little and dies. Start it back up and messing just letting it run listening and smelling see if I can figure it out. After about 30 sec starts to finally pick up engine speed and little more until it’s running like it should at full throttle. Go to let go of throttle and it immediately wants to die. So back to full throttle and revs back up so now I’m reving it so not running at full throttle but not dying. Trying to adjust carb so it will idle but eventually dies. Start it back up and takes a struggling couple secs to get to idle (with it at full throttle still). But ends up dying again so let it sit and racking my brain. Checking over making sure everything is tight, spark plugs got good connection, fuel is still flowing out of carb. All good. Go to check oil and it looks like chocolate milk. WTF! Smell it and smells like fuel. Shit. Drain it and refil. Start up to see if it does it again but now it just sits at that crappy wanting to die idle again when at full throttle and then dies, it won’t even eventually catch and run up to full rpm’s like it was before. Any ideas. Thinking about getting new carb and replacing piston rings but seeing if anyone has any other ideas or has run into this before?