If you have a bearing scarper you can knock off the corners around the vlave seats by hand.
This is a slow a careful process though ( done with valves in place and good lighting.
Follow up with some sanding )....
You could spend all day doing this though and never aproach what the proper machines tools can do in short order.
Just sort of a time to kill project that will make a modest gain.
If you look closely at the head ( 14cc ) you may also notice there is some material shrouding around outside that you can clean around too. Just make sure you mark the limits of where metal can be removed with a head gasket.
Here's a head with a little touch up in these areas.
clone stuff :: 100_9712.jpg picture by Dougwp - Photobucket
There was room to do a lot more work but this was done by hand with a bearing scraper and dremel tool in justa few minuts.
Just remember to keep the valves in the head and polish up after your done.