The weather was beautiful around 70 degrees. Everybody was out. It was packed around 4:00 Pm. This was my first time watching this year. I had the pleasure of meeting VW Fan and a few others. Lots of good racing today. There was a lot of setting the tone for next years racing. I am going to come out of retirement of street racing in Detroit from drag racing cars and build a mini over the winter. There were some good bikes running today. VW fan came along way and had a blast and just about ran everybody. He ran pretty good. He didn't care he was there to run and he did. There was some cool stuff running. Lots of go carts also. I did not bring my camera but I am sure soembody did. The cops came by and everything was cool. They did drive thru and that was it. Racing continued. I had a great time and got my competitve juices flowing again. I am leaving a lot out but I am sure someone will chime in . I really wanted to stop by and watch the Thunderdrom racing but had too good of a time at the street racing.