doodle bugs rule

I'm on another forum picking up ideas how to tweak my sons battery four wheeler. Somebody posted a question "if you could pick one as a kid which one would it be?"

In most of the posts people were saying this battery powered vehicle over another or how tweaked they made their rides even though some of these rides were built for much older kids and adults. Since it was an open question I stuck my neck in and said I would've wanted the one with two wheels and 200cc with a picture of our bike. I think the tread went dead. A 10mph battery ride on is pretty hysterical but going 0-10mph in 2.5 seconds is hilarious. :scooter: doodle bugs rule, yea i said it. :thefinger:


New Member
Man, these things do rule. I just got mine yesterday. Make sure that you have done these checks to make sure your engine is running to its full potential..

1) Swap in fresh oil. Hopefully you did that before starting it (the oil that comes inside is "model" oil.

2) Adjust your idle screw.

3) Remove or adjust your rpm screw. I didnt fully remove it, I just backed it out until nothing was obstructed, then a lil bit more for good measure.

4) Another one that I dont see people saying is make sure your brakes dont drag too much. They "drag" a tiny bit to insure good pedal feel.

I adjusted that rpm screw and watched my lil db30 propel me up some mean hills, like a little angry nomad or something! I was so suprised, this thing is really faster than my old 47cc 2stoke p.b (after 10mph at least haha). The most fun $225 i've ever spent :scooter: