g100 clone


Well-Known Member
making crazy grinding noise and now wont run fun while it lasted paid 35 with a hillard clutch should i try and get it repaired or get a real honda g100 for 60 bucks or 5hp honda for 90 whats the verdict?:doah:


Well-Known Member
What are your goals for the bike? Go faster? Just get it running again? Keep it stock?

If the 5hp "Honda" (OHV or flathead?) is a genuine Honda, I would take that over the smaller engine. A 5hp flathead is going to be a G200 and a 5hp OHV is a GX140.


Well-Known Member
got it running again but still makein grindy noise fly wheel maybe?? goal would be reliable its for my 7yr old son so he wants to go fast thats why i want 2.2hp he wants 5hp:no:
If you end up getting a gx200 (196cc), you can limit the throttle somehow. That way you can gear it differently and your kid wont go flying off with the wind.