Go Devil..Part out or cobble?

I have a Fuji Go Devil that has issues and is either going to be parted or cobbled together into ...something. The Fuji motor ate a ring so the cylinder and piston are junk. Parts are non existant. I do not know the interest or value of these either as parts or complete units, to replace the motor with a new 2.5 hp Chinese would require sectioning the frame 6 inches.
So...advise is requested...part out or make it into a close cousin of what it was designed as.
If the frame is good I'd try to find the right or close to the right engine! They aint making any more of em! A cheap honda 50 clone is like $79 and would fit with some work! The chinese 2.5 is grossly underpowered and probably not very good quality! That or try to sell as is, parting it out will possibly bring you more $ but you might sell a piece or two and be stuck with less than you have now! You'll figure it out!


Well-Known Member
my opinion is if it can't be folded up after being modded, its probably not really worth the effort. And of course if you still can fold it but you added weight to it then it becomes hard to transport.
if you can,just leave it be for a mounth or 2 then deside,there are a lot of
ways you can go with it, and welcom to the site :smile:
Thanks for the input, the stop and think about it advice is always the best, that is why I posed the question. Seems like once you take a saw to something, the options become fewer. While I was not trying to solicite offers, that is more for e-bay, I thank a couple of members for the interest. I will post pix and full info when I go that way, which is most likely the solution.
Thanks for the input, the stop and think about it advice is always the best, that is why I posed the question. Seems like once you take a saw to something, the options become fewer. While I was not trying to solicite offers, that is more for e-bay, I thank a couple of members for the interest. I will post pix and full info when I go that way, which is most likely the solution.
Mike where are yo in Iowa? I am up in sioux City
DEFINATELY try to save the BIKE at all costs.. There are literally millions of small two cycle engines in the world.. To CHOP a GO-Devil just so it can house a chinese import motor is almost a sin. :repuke: Those little bikes are pretty valuable, kinda hard to find, and cool as a moose.. I have a 3.5 horse Tecumseh 2 stroke I will donate to the cause if need be.. Don't hack the frame.. That would be a shame..
I am down in Marion, quite a drive to the NW side.
As to the bike, I am going to sit and ponder a bit. I agree with the advise to not chop it, that is the last choice but still on the table. It is frustrating to have a 95% complete bike (no seat, easy build) with a broken motor. The compact size of the FUJI motor combined with the unique crankshaft/clutch setup limits the options.
So...think a bit and see where it goes.
I am down in Marion, quite a drive to the NW side.
As to the bike, I am going to sit and ponder a bit. I agree with the advise to not chop it, that is the last choice but still on the table. It is frustrating to have a 95% complete bike (no seat, easy build) with a broken motor. The compact size of the FUJI motor combined with the unique crankshaft/clutch setup limits the options.
So...think a bit and see where it goes.
Hey I never did hear anything new on your progress but the offer still stands.. After rereading your post I was curious if you thought you were required to come get the motor?? :shrug: I will just mail the thing to you.. They are not very heavy at all.. 20 dollars to ship at worst I'm sure.. :shrug:
Chinese bikes and motors are a dime a dozen, but an original minibike is worth something, even if it's just a link to the past. Restore that sucker with a correctly-fitting engine.
I am down in Marion, quite a drive to the NW side.
As to the bike, I am going to sit and ponder a bit. I agree with the advise to not chop it, that is the last choice but still on the table. It is frustrating to have a 95% complete bike (no seat, easy build) with a broken motor. The compact size of the FUJI motor combined with the unique crankshaft/clutch setup limits the options.
So...think a bit and see where it goes.
I think that Marion is were my brother got married in a real nice park. I hit Ceder Rapids about two times a year.