Got the engine and transmission block split right down the middle...

This is a Garelli 50cc 4 speed off a Broncco T/C-4.

So here we have a few ponderings. I mainly opened this darling up the fix leaks and to see why it seemed to only be going into neutral, 1st, and 2nd.

All the gears looked nice, it just appears that 3rd and 4th were not aligned properly, once I did align them, I could "click" through all 4 gears. How do I ensure alignment of the gears when putting this back together? SEE PICTURE

Secondly, the clutch. When the clutch cable is pulled, it pulls a rotating piece of metal, with a little elbow on the end, and that pushes in on this little cylindrical piece of metal with a rounded end. This rounded piece pulled right out, there was nothing behind it. Neither the "cam" like piece of metal that moved or the cylindrical piece had any kind of spring to them and pushing in on the cylindrical piece did not seem to do anything. I am kind of clueless if this is okay, the clutch did not seem to functioning quite right when I got this, but I am not sure, it did not have any spring in the cable taking back up the tension. SEE PICTURE

Lastly does anyone know where to find or how to make a little key for the shaft the magneto sits on? I noticed there was no piece of metal in the slot to keep it from just spinning on the shaft. SEE PICTURE
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Active Member
A place like this 50iniepoca would probably have more info on that litte engine. Most of the folks on here play with industrial engined minibikes with no transmission. Somebody might know, but for trans work there's no better source than the original service manual.