I have a gx200 motor with arc rod and flywheel with a bored 2.756 wiseco piston. Big valves and a 28mm mikuni. Question cant get it to rev past 4200 rpm is it the stock coil making it not rev, if so what do I need. And I do have duel springs. Thanks
We race karts and run Honda coils and have went as high as 8600 rpm's no problem. There is a resistor in the end of your spark plug boot ..I would take it out and check it or do away with it...all you need is a flat head screw driver to screw it apart.
What rockers are you running 1.2 or 1.3's ?
No the coils are not rev limited ... only pvl coils are . I would set gap at 40 but you should be spinning 10,000. With that setup you got something going on ... what is your valve lash set at ? And what rockers are you using with the dual springs?
Dual white springs seem a little excessive too ... jmo .. I have a gx200 running a 330 isky cam with a big valve head using champion rockers and she spins 10000 unloaded very easy green stripe duals , arc flywheel set and stock coil gap set at 40
I personally would not run lash caps with your setup either but that's just me ... you could have a bad coil .. but if it starts and runs fine to 4000 plus I don't think so .. and your valve train sounds to be ok ..
.030 is too close ARC specifies a minimum of .040 or you risk frying your coil. If this problem started after you ran it a while it could be fried. If it happened right after assembly then I doubt the coil fried. Set the magnet to coil gap to around .050. You did check cam timing correct? When it hits that rpm does it sound like it is breaking up or just running fine but just low revs.
What are you doing when it hits its limit of 4200 rpm? Is this a kart or mini? If it just will not pull past 4200 when you are running it what is your gear ratio?
Cam timing fine.my fly wheel is not a adjustable fly wheel my motor is at 33 degrees in timming.its an ambush flywheel. When shes hits 4000rpm shes screaming like its geared to low but I have no chain on.clutch is 12 and 60 its a mini bike
ok you said arc flywheel .... i just got a ambush wheel for another build and have not finished it yet . there timing is set at 34 degrees and after speaking with them they also recomend 40 coil gap even though the magnet is completely encased in the aluminum
ok you said arc flywheel .... i just got a ambush wheel for another build and have not finished it yet . there timing is set at 34 degrees and after speaking with them they also recomend 40 coil gap even though the magnet is completely encased in the aluminum
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