Hard starting clones

I decided to make this a post on its own.

Hard starting... when you change the air filter and or exhaust, the idle circuit does not create enough vacuum... the solution is to open the idle jet. Where is the idle jet? you ask?
its under the throttle set screw...
1 - Take out the throttle set screw
2 - there is a black plastic plug under it, pry that up.
It has a large hole in the side and a tiny hole in the end (that is the idle jet)
3 - Drill the idle jet to .024 (to start with)

If you play with the little black cube on the side of the carb...it pulls off.
you can get it to idle better, but to get it to start better, you need to drill the jet.

I have pictures at www.4racers.com/clone under the gallery.

I like the way you connected the throttle!
I got tired of buying something I could build. I got the idea one day for a honda racing site. they had a something that was $45...:eek:ut:
So I found the shape in the the stock stuff. so its free. the only cost is the 1/4" bolt and 2 lock nuts. I have done over 20 of them.



Active Member
I think that might be my problem, I have a HF clone with RlV pipe and UNI air filter .It runs great but is a pill to start !
I looked in your gallery but I didn't see photo's of this MOD ?
if you guys are running a filter/adapter setup and don't want to use the governor, this is an easy way to set it up. the only thing you have to do is mount the cable housing so it doesn't move. you can get the cable to stay on the rod with a zip tie (did it for awhile and it worked fine).
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