hard to pull start problem solved

This may be helpful to someone in the future because when I had the problem with the recoil trying to rip my arm off, I was told the compression itself was the cause then all I kept reading was valve lash. I was searching for troubleshooting and repairing compression release on clone cam. I never found anything I took the cam out and the compression release arm was even with the exhaust lobe so I took a flathead and pried it up some swung the arm over and pulled up with some pliers until the arm stuck up above the lobe, reinstalled the cam and it pulled easy as it did stock even with the increased compression. I hope this helps people out in the future. The one thing I did find online with my searches was this is a common problem with not to many solutions besides cam and ignition timing key sheared and valve lash which was the most common advise. I read some people purchased a new cam then it worked so they recommended that also.
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