header for predator

Hey everyone I bought a header from BMI Karts, it is called Exhaust Header for super stock clone class, RLV5438C the person at BMI recommended this one to me saying that people with predator engines are buying this style and modifying them, I asking what needs to be modified and I was told just drill out the holes a little so it will fit. I got the header today and it does need to be drill out, but the pipe curves up and it exits on the right side of the mini bike angeled down, right next to the rear fender, I was hoping it would curve up and exit straight out the back of the mini bike, is anyone using this type of header, will it look stupid exiting out the right side and angeled down, I was also told I would need a support bracket, RLV4165, I don't even know how this bracket attaches. I don't want to drill out the holes yet because I might have to return it, and BMI also charges a 30 percent restocking fee. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!:confused:
Can you take a pic of it taped/mocked/held up on ur bike, hard for me to follow what u r saying but im looking for another exhaust... Maybe it will suit my needs and in that case, maybe u can get more than ur 30% restocking fee back...


New Member
well, OldMiniBikes warehouse has underseat headers that exit straight, either center or right side.
I have the 8" center #KPHCMBS, it's $35 and comes w/ a screw on muffler.
you'll also have to drill out (file out) the bolt holes if you're fitting it on a predator 212.
no help on the BMI exhaust, sorry
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Based on your description it sounds like a funky setup. I'm a big believer of keeping that (HOT) exhaust pipe inside the frame footprint, exiting out the back, and AWAY from things that can get burned, like your legs. Personally, I would send that one back and purchase the OldMiniBikes Warehouse setup as others have posted.
i think what you bought from your description is a kart header i would send it back and order one from OldMiniBikes:thumbsup:30%restocking is steep though:doah:


Active Member
The header you are talking about is a great pipe, I use it on most all my ohv motors. It makes great power and sounds awesome. This was the best picture of one of mine I could find right now.


Active Member
Yes, I made one out of flat stock and bent it the way I wanted it, welded one end to the header and the other is bolted to the head.