Hot Rod magazine bizarre racing moments.

I remember seeing all those cars in articles in Hot Rod. If you search the internet there are actually 2 different pictures of the Magic Muffler Fiat. Taken by 2 different photographers just a split second apart. The other one is from the front 3/4 view and its on fire. Wild Willy Borsh in the AA/FA Winged Express is my all time favorite car/driver. That short wheelbase and a dose of Nitro was a wild ride. Usually, Willy is holding onto the body with his left hand and steering with his right. Lots and lots of pics out there of him in that mode. They were several other cars in the AA/FA class too. Pure Hell, Pure Heavan, Altered States... To name a few. If I am not mistaken the Magic Muffler car is still around and has been restored by the original owners. Pure Hell and Pure Heaven still exist and show up for Kackle fest. Don't know about the Winged Express.