mini bike speedometer

I took the speedo from my VT5 to a local speedo shop to get a cable. The small cables are not available. But, an elderly man, who probably owns the place, crapped all over the german speedo and said if I wanted something reliable to get an American made one. He said he had them complete for about $80. I only wanted a cable so I didn't pursue it. If you think you are interested, I can go back over and get more info. I believe that his package would be correct for whatever tire size you would specify. I'd guess he has at least a 100 years experience. In the early 90's I built a 1950 Olds for a man in New York to run in the LaCarrera Panamerica and this shop did a great job on the speedo for me.
Anyone have or know where to get a speedometer assembly for my Superbronc? It doesn't have to be an original.
I would look around the junkyard or a motorcycle bone yard or something... You could probably buy a unit off from something else fr 5 10 bucks from the right guy.. You can always take one apart and remove coils in the spring to reduce it's speed, which it would be making the tire a lot smaller... The one on my Suicycle was the one that belonged to the wheels... and I had my front end in my hand hanging out the car door.. car says 35 and the Suicycle speedo says 120.. :doah: The mileage (odometer) part would be all ridiculous, but you should be able to keep shortening the spring until it's accurate.. :wink: Mine as pretty close at 55 until the cable broke.. :doah.. Logged over 200 miles before it did... 1,000's of miles ago :lol:
There one on Ebay right now ,, Might have to look for it though
:doah: DUH!! I'm friggin stupid... Yeah, beautiful.. brand new in the box, say Rupp on them.. perfect brand new.. 20 bucks.. guys had them for years... right up north of me.. :doah: STUPID!! :doah: Yeah I don't see how that guy didn't sell out of those in 3 days.... :shrug: probably because you have to take it apart and paint over the Rupp... :shrug: Theres that many Rupps out there, right? Guy must have 100,000 of them or something... WEIRD... :lol: Evilbay is a strange place... Offer the guy 15 bucks :wink: