minibike finish


Well-Known Member
yes you could do that too:thumbsup: martinsprockets sells a dual sprocket or two single sprockets,one to a generater and the other to the clutch. i don't think it would be to much drag on the engine when going to start it. something a person would just have to try out:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
the generater works in both directions. i ran it so the nut would always be tight(with loctite). unit puts out max of 8volts. it needs to spin real good to run a standard bulb,but with leds it only take little bit of volts to make the lights come quick:thumbsup:
You wouldn't need a dual sprocket clutch. Just put a fixed gear on the crank, then put your centrifugal clutch on the jackshaft. Now the chain is alway's moving and you could put the generators gear right onto that chain. And like normal, when a certain rpm is reached, your jackshaft would start turning. With the chain moving constantly, you would definetly want a chain gaurd for the little ones. How much was that light kit btw? Oh, the next time your concerned about turning a shaft backwards and worry about the nut coming lose, you can simply drill and cotter pin that puppy in place.


Well-Known Member
yes that could work.:thumbsup:
you can find the generator kits on ebay or at your local stores.
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Well-Known Member
i payed $14 for my kit. found it at shopko.

i think with a larger bike frame that could workout good(more room). some of the go-cart clutchs have more sprockets on them. for example 15 on them,so you could still gear the bike down with a smaller final sprocket on the jackshaft to the rear sprocket on the wheel.
$14, now that's a deal, unless they want $88 shipping. LOL How did that brake work for you?
BTW, were you aware they named a beach here in Florida after you? If you have it copyrighted I suppose you could sue!


Well-Known Member
spacecoastz, your going to have to be the first to try the clutch setup on the jackshaft. no time for me to build one right now. maybe in the winter for me? if your going to use it for low speeds(doodle around on) it should work:thumbsup: